Saturday, August 05, 2006

It's Been a Good Few Days, How About You?

It's been a few good days. There have been the usual quakes around the planet, but the migraines have been mild, and of short duration. What I mean by short duration is that the sypmtoms were controlled and finished off with half a dose, and the symptoms didn't return.
I've a few quakes teeth, and one of them is zinging me ocassionally. It seems to be associated with the activity that has occurred in the Caribbean, and Northern South America. Quakes can be caused on the sea bottom when large storms move the undersea dunes around, which may account for the minor activity.
The west coastal areas, just inland in Argentina have been rocking, but the effect on my migraines has been minor. Hope the same holds true for most of you.
If you pick up on your symptoms, and they match any quake activity, post up here.
Also, go to, a forum where you can register, or post as an anonymous coward, and start or find a thread about quakes, and your symptoms. There are many worldwide who will share & compare their symptoms with you, including those in the field of seismology. There are many other topics there, from the interesting, to the current, to the strange.
The more of us to compare with, the more seriously the medical profession, and the seismic community will take it all.
There are many other topics there, from the interesting, to the current, to the strange.

Have a good weekend, all.


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