A Bad Day for Migraineurs
Really, awful, and it is a busy day seismically. Quakes and volcanoes, just in case your stomach is getting you a bit.
Surf to FUTUREQUAKE for seismic updates.
The LINK between Migraines & Earthquakes * FUTUREQUAKE.Bravehost.com *MigraineOnlineHotline.Bravehost.com Migraines, ear ringing, sore spots on your head, face, or other symptoms before siesmic activity? If you are in or near an active siesmic area, what do you notice preceding siesmic activity? You are also invited to surf on over to FUTUREQUAKE.blogspot.com for seismic news, and varied other topics, and pictures.
Really, awful, and it is a busy day seismically. Quakes and volcanoes, just in case your stomach is getting you a bit.
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