Migraine Today, Preceding Coming Siesmic Activity
Are You Siesmically Challenged, and don't know it ? ?
I just posted an earthquake alert at my FUTUREQUAKE.Blogspot. With most large quakes, or continental US quakes, my signal for the alert are the foul migraines that I get. I noticed that quakes in different locations cause migraines on one side or the other, as well as other symptoms, like tooth pain, sinus pain, nerve twitches in the eyes, painful spots on my head. It feels like a simulation of what the globe is doing. Sometimes, like today, my hair or eyelashes hurt.
With volcanic activity, throw in some stomach upsets, and back pain. There was a bit of that today too, so Merapi must be blowing again.
Migraine symptoms with this coming activity are varied. All is right sided pain. I am experiencing high pitched ringing in my right ear, pain in my upper jaw with tooth twinges, throbbing in my right eye with twinges in the nerves, elelashes hurt, head pain, with a sore area on the middle right side of my head above my ear. Not good. Not comfortable at all.
If you are experiencing anything like this, post up your migraine symptoms. Have you noticed any of these things ? Are you near a siesmically active area ?
I'll be adding a world map where you can pin the part of the planet you are on. Be sure and check back for that.
Also, see the Migraine Online Hotline for more migraine information and links to important imformation.
For more EQ and volcano information, and much more, surf on over to FUTUREQUAKE.
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