Thursday, June 29, 2006

A Bad Day for Migraineurs

Really, awful, and it is a busy day seismically. Quakes and volcanoes, just in case your stomach is getting you a bit.
Surf to FUTUREQUAKE for seismic updates.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

FUTUREQUAKE Home Page Got Hacked

If you have surfed there in the last couple of days, you have noticed that the artwork has gone 'poof' . So, the site is going to need some repairs. I will get to this as soon as I can. I was almost too busy to post up, and where the extra time will come from to fix the website is a mytery to me.

Bare with me. The links still work. The artwork will be back.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

It was TWO Volcanoes !

That coming volcanic activity that I alluded to because of stomach upsets happened. Two volcanoes had intense activity in the Ring of Fire area. Indonesia's Mt. Merapi was more active, and the Bulusan Volcano in the Philippines is belching hot steam and ash.
So, if your stomach is a little funky today, it probably isn't what you ate. But there are a couple of volcanoes in need of 'the pink stuff'.

You may have a mild, to annoying migraine on the left, and a little upper back jaw, and aneye throb to go along with it. The western Pacific, as well as Alaska, western S. America, and a few other hot spots in and around the Pacific are shaking a bit. Okay, more than a little.

If you got that eye jerk thing on the right side early this afternoon, it's a warning that the West Coast of the US could be looking at some clusters in the next few days. I'll update on that as needed.

Don't let your annoying headache get to you today. It's shouldn't get too bad, unless you live in the Pacific Rim area, Ring of Fire area.

Now, as the day goes by , I'll see if this ache in my shoulders and neck has to do with spending way too much time at the computer, or earthquakes in Central & N. South America. The worst is on the left side, so those predicted quakes in Western S. America are a pretty sure thing.

Really, I don't spend all day thinking about migraines, and rarely talk about it. Most migraineurs at pretty good at hiding it, except on their worst days. But, if posting this up fairly often is of help to any of you, or lets you know that tens of millions of people on the planet feel just like you today, then that is a little moral support you can use.

If you are under doctor's care, maybe it will help begin a dialogue of discovery that will help you get what you really need, and help your doctor better understand the profile of your migraines.
If you take over the counter, go easy. These quakes are happening in areas where there is a lot of activity, and will be for a while. Take care of your stomachs.

In the meantime, listen to music that makes you get up and do something. Walk softly, & try some stretching to unkink those muscles. Think of it this way. In your own way, migraines make you part of the early warning system of the planet.

Surf on over to FUTUREQUAKE, and the Blog if you are looking for something to do, like you don't have enough to do. haha I'm attempting to make Futurequake a little more user friendly, so things are being moved around a bit.

If you want to try to match you migraines, and twinges with current siesmic activity, surf to RSOE Havaria.

Y'all have a good day.

Friday, June 23, 2006

It was an Excedrin Kind of Day

It wasn't a bad day, but one of those where that annoying, but not intense, kind of migraines hit. It started this afternoon, and it was a 1/2 dose kind of thing. I was hoping it was one of those short duration kind. But no, within a few hours it was worth taking 2.
Where the migraine pain & symptoms were, and still are ever so slightly, usually signal that there is coming activity in the Mid Pacific, and some US West Coast & W. South American shaking about to go on. If the headache is any indication, these won't be large quakes, but could go to 5.+ .

For anyone camparing, this was left sided, with little ache uppper & lower back jaws, including the same in front of the top of my ear. It includes the eye throbbing, but it isn't bad.

As soon as I can grab a volcanic report, it would be no surprise to find that a volcano in those parts has blown it's stack today, or is about to. If you felt like you'd been across the border today, watch for another volcanic event in the Pacific Ring of Fire soon.

That's all for now, folks.

How's your head ?

Thursday was a pretty good day. Only a little mild migraine, just a couple of hours of annoyance, and a couple of short duration twinges later. Hopefully, today will be as good or better.
I'm not predicting any major activity today, although there is always siesmic activity of some sort. There were a few moderate to strong quakes today, mostly of the ocean variety. These are harder to pinpoint, and they don't affect my migraines as much as those on land. The ocean probably absorbs some of the shock. I haven't really looked into that aspect, but have noticed a regularity of lighter migraines with ocean quakes.

Have a good day, all. Post up if the urge strikes.

If you are looking for more on being sensitive to siesmic activity, be sure and see this siesmologist's website. SYZYGY. He has recently put a message board section on his website for those sensitive to siesmic activity, mostly migraineurs. He has a yearly membership fee for access.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006



Today was pretty mild, thanks to no major quake activity. Hope you had a good one too !

Sunday, June 18, 2006

A Week Full of Migraines

Yes, everday this week, with about 4 hours without a migraine on Thursday, early. but, that was just a breather. The relentless migraines have switched from one side to the other and back again, with a few jolts to a nerve in my eyes, and upper teeth.

The predicted round and locations of earthquakes turned out to be right on, so if it makes any of you fellow migraineurs feel better, you can predict siesmic activity with those nasty headaches, if you can get your heads off the pillows long enough to record it. If you can begin to notice where your head hurts, what part of your face, notice where the quakes are, and what quake matches the relief of that pain.

It may not relieve your after-migraine depression, but at least you know that your migraines are not your fault. Really though, I'd be happy to give up siesmic prediction if I could get rid of the migraines.

Feel free to post up.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Migraine Today, Preceding Coming Siesmic Activity

Are You Siesmically Challenged, and don't know it ? ?

I just posted an earthquake alert at my FUTUREQUAKE.Blogspot. With most large quakes, or continental US quakes, my signal for the alert are the foul migraines that I get. I noticed that quakes in different locations cause migraines on one side or the other, as well as other symptoms, like tooth pain, sinus pain, nerve twitches in the eyes, painful spots on my head. It feels like a simulation of what the globe is doing. Sometimes, like today, my hair or eyelashes hurt.
With volcanic activity, throw in some stomach upsets, and back pain. There was a bit of that today too, so Merapi must be blowing again.

Migraine symptoms with this coming activity are varied. All is right sided pain. I am experiencing high pitched ringing in my right ear, pain in my upper jaw with tooth twinges, throbbing in my right eye with twinges in the nerves, elelashes hurt, head pain, with a sore area on the middle right side of my head above my ear. Not good. Not comfortable at all.

If you are experiencing anything like this, post up your migraine symptoms. Have you noticed any of these things ? Are you near a siesmically active area ?

I'll be adding a world map where you can pin the part of the planet you are on. Be sure and check back for that.

Also, see the Migraine Online Hotline for more migraine information and links to important imformation.

For more EQ and volcano information, and much more, surf on over to FUTUREQUAKE.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Welcome to the blog that ties migraines and other physical symptoms to earthquakes and volcanoes. Please post up your comments, and your experiences with this phenomena.
I started researching this in 1989, when the World Series Earthquake in Oakland/San Francisco occurred. As the stadium started rocking, my very nasty migraine and tooth pain completely disappeared. That was October 17th, 1989.
Since that time, close to 90% of those I have queried, had their migraines and symptoms preceding earthquakes. Sometimes, shoulder and back pain is associated with siesmic activity. It doesn't seem to matter if you live on a fault line, or thousands of miles away, those sensitive to quakes and volcanoes still have migraine pain.
With volcanic activity, sudden upset stomachs, or heartburn can precede the activity.

Can we talk ? Comments welcome.