Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Caribbean & Mediterranean Quake Effects

Today is almost migraine free. It was a good day for other things.
Sunday and Monday were perfectly horriblus. The right side migraine came on fast, with eye, nose, and ear pain. Ice was the greatest relief with these symptoms. It was so bad that I spent a day in a dark room with my head shoved into a pillow.
As I hurt too bad to turn the computer on, no alerts went up. The now gone migraine was a strange one, with skull pain in unusual places. After checking the eq map , these symptoms were caused by a combination of Caribbean & Mediterranean quakes. I hope the region settles down soon.

It's time for steak and potatoes, with all the fixings.

Take care, y'all.

Friday, August 11, 2006

New Migraine Articles & Information

This is interesting and pertinent new information.
Zapping The Pain.
Migraineurs Have Higher Sex Drive.

Thursday was one of those good days, with only a short duration, mild migraine. Nothing to keep me from my day.
Today, however, is a little different. What I'm experiencing is a very strange migraine, a little leftsided head pain, followed by ear pain, and left jaw. There has been a large earthquake in Mexico City, and this may be part of the cause.
The quake must have stressed another area across the Pacific, or the 5.9 quake was a foreshock. I'll let you know on that one.

Have a good weekend.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

8.8.06 FUTUREQUAKE Updates

Click the link to FUTUREQUAKE for seismic updates.

Gulf of Mexico, and storm watchers, Click Here to watch the Gulf churn. This page takes a few minutes to load. It has Radar, Lat/Lon, Weather fronts, Watch areas, tropical forecast tracks, and shows Lows,Mids, and High level winds. It also show major roads.

Left Side Migraine

This migraine started very early, with neck/shoulder pain. It has gotten worse as the day progresses. No facial pain with one, so I am thankful for that.
This feels like it is associated with coming activity along the South American coastline, with possible quakes in the far south near Antactica.

Hopefully these quakes will come soon, and all who are suffering through this one will get relief. I expect this activity to come tonight and tomorrow.

If you are a resident of the Gulf of Mexico region, something is churing across Southern Florida and Cuba. Frequently, sand bars and rifts under the sea can be disturbed by storm waves, and collapse. This creates a typed of earthquake, usually small, and you may experience short duration migraines with these. If it's just a quick twinge, you might want to hold off the meds for a few minutes, and see if that's the only symptom you have.
With incoming storms, or a churning Gulf, the barometric pressure can drop. As this happens migraineurs can experience severe headaches, until the pressure rises & stabalizes. I haven't found anything that touches this kind of migraine with any real relief. Deep, and steady breathing, and walking lite on your feet,does help a bit.

Take it easy on yourselves. If you take over the counter meds, they can be really hard on the stomach with a bad migraine that requires frequent dosing. Make sure you get something on your stomach, and drink plenty of fluids after taking meds, to keep your stomach from getting raw.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

It's Been a Good Few Days, How About You?

It's been a few good days. There have been the usual quakes around the planet, but the migraines have been mild, and of short duration. What I mean by short duration is that the sypmtoms were controlled and finished off with half a dose, and the symptoms didn't return.
I've a few quakes teeth, and one of them is zinging me ocassionally. It seems to be associated with the activity that has occurred in the Caribbean, and Northern South America. Quakes can be caused on the sea bottom when large storms move the undersea dunes around, which may account for the minor activity.
The west coastal areas, just inland in Argentina have been rocking, but the effect on my migraines has been minor. Hope the same holds true for most of you.
If you pick up on your symptoms, and they match any quake activity, post up here.
Also, go to Godlikeproductions.com, a forum where you can register, or post as an anonymous coward, and start or find a thread about quakes, and your symptoms. There are many worldwide who will share & compare their symptoms with you, including those in the field of seismology. There are many other topics there, from the interesting, to the current, to the strange.
The more of us to compare with, the more seriously the medical profession, and the seismic community will take it all.
There are many other topics there, from the interesting, to the current, to the strange.

Have a good weekend, all.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Hard Weekend for Migraines

First I want to thank Kate in Thailand for her commment on a previous post. It's great that others with these headaches and symptoms are able to detect seismic activity, and at least have some idea of what is causing the migraines, and have some idea of expected duration.
It is likely that most people are more sensitive to the regions, continents on which they live. But it is beginning to look like most of us are getting our quake migraines on the same sides, similar symptoms, no matter where on the planet we are.
The ear ringing, and pressure are also reported almost always. We're on to something, folks.

Last weekend, Mt. St. Helen's did some rumbling. This right sided migraine, with facial pain, and tooth pain, kicked in Friday night, after a short break in the migraine from the left side that was Monday through last Thursday.

It let up at 4 AM Friday, and I had to represent myself in court, bringing a lawsuit, at 10 AM. It wasn't fun. I'm no attorney, and to try this with a migraine, or the migraine exhaustion hangover thing, is not anything I would recommend. Lawyer's are not in the budget, so I am praying that the next time, I will be headache free. Actually, a good lawyer, cheap, is the better option. I don't think they work that cheaply, though.

Anyway, when it went to Mt.St.Helen's pain, nothing touched it. Nothing but ice gave any real relief. Laying my head on a sheet of ice might have worked, but I made do with ice cubes. Mt. St. Helen's makes me sick, literally.

NOTE: Gulf of Mexico residents. This is one of those times when something else can affect your migraines. The closer the storm gets, and the larger, the lower the air pressure in the storm, or hurricane, gets. This can cause migraines that feel like a cold coming on. A hot, steamy, shower can offer some temporary relief.

If you are a Gulf Coast resident, watch the Gulf, as there is a storm coming in.
Get your meds up to date, and check your storm supplies, just in case you need them.
I have a list of supplies at FUTUREQUAKE, click the weather & emergency pack link for the list. Add to it things that bring you comfort away from home.
If you think your structure may be at risk, be sure you grab your software. Make a copy of your hard drive, pictures, music, writings. Easier to carry than photo albums, and music collections. Pictures are easily preserved on software.