Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Make Sure You Have your Migraine meds !

It's been a rough few days. From the 21st until the 24th, migraines on the left side were 'kicking my butt'. Ear ringing was included with this one.
The quake activity causing it included areas of the Caribbean, South and Central Americas.

Tonight, I've had some hard twinges , right side , upper jaw & teeth. This feels like volcanic activity, probably US West Coast, with Mt. St.Helen's being the likely volcano about to blow.
Also, as the migraine then came on strong, right side, within an hour of that, all of the US West Coast should be on the alert. Expect a round of quakes from moderate to strong in the next couple of days.

Don't forget to make sure you have enough migraine meds so that if you require a pillow and a dark room for a couple of days, you won't have to head for the store for refills.

Friday, July 21, 2006

MIgraine Intense Today

This migraine that started last night has intensified today. It's one of those that includes some facial pain. I hope anyone else with the same today can take it easy on themselves, because this one is likely to get a little worse through tonight.

This indicates intensifying quake activity along the US West Coast states, and along the Alaskan coastal areas. There has also been activity occurring in swarms slightly inland, including Utah, and Idaho. Watch the active volcanic regions for activity. Something is rumbling under there.
The South American coastal states, and Central America will have more activity as well, within the next 24 hours. This will include volcanic activity.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Migraine, Ear Ringing, and Seismic Activity, Discussion Link

GLP Forum Discussion Link on Migraines, Ear ringing, and other symptoms occuring preceding and with seismic activity. http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?messageid=265560&showdate=7/20/06&display=30&page=4#4691242

"It's seismic activity. If you are sensitive to it, quakes or volcanoes anywhere on the planet could be affecting you. Because so many people have the same symptoms at the same time, it points to being most sensitive to the region or fault line with the most stress at the time.

The ear ringing should get more intense, and higher in pitch until right as the quake happens, or volcano. Volcano ringing seems to include a very low pitch, and increasingly high at the same time.

I also get twinges and aching in my gums, and sinuses. I have noticed that with some areas, like SanFranciso, it can be intense.

If you are getting the migraine, tooth, and stomach upsets at about the same time , with low and high pitch ear ringing, be sure it's a volcano.

Anywhere through the center of the US, slighlty east of center, is probably being affected by activity along the New Madrid fault line.

http://visz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/usa_alert.php?lang=eng & http://visz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/woalert.php?lang=eng , are both good links to current activity of all kinds.
It makes it easier to track what is causing your symptoms. Pay attention to sore spots on your skull, and keep track of where the quake happens. It's a trip really. Our heads are like a map of the planet.

I have a blog about this, and keep it as up to date as I can. the link is at the bottom of the post.
**** PEACE ****
Texas Uncensored
[link to www.futurequake.bravehost.com]
[link to www.migraineonlinehotline.bravehost.com]
[link to www.futurequake.blogspot.com]
[link to www.earthquakemigraines.blogspot.com]

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Right Sided Migraine , Probably West Coast activity

I am having a migraine, with achiness in my gums, on the upper right side. This is a typical sign for me of quake activity, near volcanic regions, of the US West Coast.
I think I'll have some streusal cake and a big glass of milk with my Excedrin. It's only a small migraine right now. A one excedrin kind of thing.

For those in areas near the Middle East crisis, bombing may be affecting your migraines. Migraineurs in Europe, particularly along the Mediterranean, and northern Africa, are most likely to be affected.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Back to Posting Up

It's been a week and a bit since I've posted up, not because there haven't been migraines and seismic activity, because there has been plenty of that.
There are relatives, for lack of better word, ( well there are better words to describe them, of the four letter variety ) who decided to make a mess in my life, and cleaning it up has been taking time and energy that usually would go to my websites, research, and blogs.

To get caught up a little, my migraines have been mostly mild to tolerable for about a week. There have been a few migraines that lasted hours, and one that lasted almost two days, but it wasn't the 'head on the pillow ' kind.
Volcanic activity has amounted to a couple a stomach aches of short duration.

Right now, I am having a left sided mild, annoying, migraine with a little neck and shoulder pain, and my back needs a massage. That usually signals mid-Pacific activity. the neck and back pain to go with it usually is an indicator of Central and western South American activity.

While I am sending the mess back in the direction of those that made the mess to begin with, I might not post up as often as the migraines and seismic activity occur.
I'll make every effort to post up as often as I can.

Thanks y'all.

Friday, July 07, 2006

It's a Migraine Day, or Two

I expect major activity in the north western Pacific in the next day or two. If you are having a nasty migraine that is kicking your ___ since this afternoon, watch the activity in this part of the world.
This migraine came on slowly today, and is now getting bad. Left side of my head, with upper jaw, sinus, and eye pain.
Depending on what part of the world you are in, you may be having your migraine on the right side.
If you pay close attention to your symptoms, and watch the EQ maps as quakes occur and various migraine symptoms become intense, and then disappear, you will begin to 'map ' your head and face pain with locations of quakes as they occur.

There are links to EQ sites with current maps in this blog's links section.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Mild, Intermittent Migraines This Week

There has been moderate EQ and volcanic activity worldwide, in the usual places.
The migraines to go along with it have been that annoying variety that zing a little just long enough for the Excedrin to kick in, and disappear. Then several hours later, a little headache here, a little achiness there, a little ear ringing mostly right side. A little tummy problem for a an hour or so yesterday, with volcanic activity, but no big thing there.

These haven't been bad enough to keep me from anything. Not enough of a pain in the head and neck to complain out loud about. In terms of migraines, a pretty good week so far.

If you get the chance, surf a few of my links, such as FUTUREQUAKE, and take a look at the cool SOHO pic at the FUTUREQUAKE Blog.

The link to SYZYGY, JIm Berkland's website, is worth taking a look at, and if you will click his forum link, he too, is now researching the correlation between migraines, stomach pain, ear ringing, and seismic activity.
We got into some pretty good discussions at the GLP Forum, and after about a year, he became a believer.

The RSOE Havaria website is a worldwide alert system, and incident map. Very cool.

Good night, all. Have a great day tomorrow !