Sunday, March 25, 2007

3 7.+ Mag Quakes

That awful left sided migraine that made my head feel like it was breaking was the symptom of three quakes over 7. mag. It was unusual to have the serious migraine end a day before the quakes, but it was nature's warning mechanism.

Click the link above for more information on the quakes, and small tsunami's caused by these quakes.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Monster Migraines

For about a week, I put up with the most awful round of migraines. First the right side for 3 days, followed by about 12 hours pain free. These were caused by rather strong activity near the Gulf of Mexico, and Mexico south.
As the earthquakes moved back to stress points in the Pacific Rim, the migraine kicked back up on the left. Usually this side is a little easier to put up with, but this round was cause for spending time in a dark room, and no noise.
But of course, not even that is really quiet. It only makes those high frequency electrical noises louder.

I hope all of you who check in here are having a good day. Hopefully, we'll get a run of days with no major quake of volcanic activity.
The intensity of my left sided migraine was not a match for the moderate activity recorded in the Pacific. Expect heavier quakes to come.
The crust could use a lube job.